Tuesday , February 18 2025

Lucian Bernd SĂULEANU, The Legal Status of Companies under the New Civil Code

Lucian Bernd SĂULEANU
Professor PhD., Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: luciansauleanu@yahoo.com.

Published on October 31, 2017

The new Civil Code sets provisions regarding the liability of shareholders, organization and functioning of legal entity, annulment of documents issued by the management bodies of the legal entity, company contract, regime of contributions, company types, simple partnership, unlimited, simple limited partnership, with limited liability, joint stock, partnership limited by shares, cooperatives, other type of company.

legal entity, annulment, liability, partnership, contribution, registered capital.


  1. St. D. Cărpenaru, Tratat de drept comercial, Universul Juridic Publishing, Bucharest, 2009.
  2. Gh. Buta, Noul Cod civil şi unitatea dreptului privat, in the paper Noul Cod civil (The New Civil Code). Comentarii, Universul Juridic Publishing, Bucharest, 2010.
  3. Smaranda Angheni, Dreptul comercial – între dualism şi monism, in the paper Noul Cod civil. Comentarii, Universul Juridic Publishing, Bucharest, 2010.
  4. I.L. Georgescu, Drept comercial român, vol. I, Bucharest, C.H. Beck Publishing, Bucharest, 2002.
  5. Law no. 31/1990 and is the expression of the principle of associating liberty, also regulated in the Constitution of Romania, in art. 40, par. (1). Art. 1, par. 1 of Law no. 31/1990.
  6. I.L. Georgescu, Drept comercial român, vol. II, Bucharest, All Beck Publishing, 2002.
  7. Dumitru A.P. Florescu, Roxana Popa, Theodor Mrejeru, Contractul de asociere în participaţie, Universul Juridic Publishing, Bucharest, 2009.
  8. I. Schiaua, Drept comercial, Bucharest, Hamangiu Publishing, 2009.
  9. L. Săuleanu, Contractul de asociere în participaţie, Bucharest, Hamangiu Publishing, 2009.
  10. M. A. Dumitrescu, Asociaţiunea în participaţiune, in “Revista societăţilor şi a dreptului comercial”, no. 2/1924.

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