PhD. candidate, University of Craiova, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Romania;
Florin Sabin MIHAIL
PhD. candidate, University of Craiova, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Romania;
Published on December 29, 2019
In our paper, we will focus on the relationship between worship, community and mission, who are fundamental dimensions for our Church in direct relation with the Revelation of the Father through His Son Jesus Christ – logou antropou – Word was made flesh. From the perspective of the evangelization of the culture, the transfer of the Scripture into vernacular languages is a part of the process of conversion but also a challenge for the actual languages who are more and more reduced to a materialistic view, yet secularized by different factors. One of our research question of this paper will ask the high culture but also the culture of the poor in search for a critical analysis of the post-modern culture. The process of enculturation should bring change and hope, a Christian perspective of life, justice, and above all the presence of God among us in local Churches.
Our paper will be developed on these documents: Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today’s World Document (MOCT); Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi; the documents issued within the Lausanne movement.
evangelization, culture, religion, enculturation, mission
- International Theological Commission, Faith and Inculturation, The presence Of Christ to Culture and Cultures, 12, 1988, available at congregations/cfaith/cti_documents/rc_cti_1988_fede-inculturazione_en.html (30.12.2016
- Svetlana Panich, Apology of Culture in The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemannin the volumeApology of Culture. Religion and Culture in Russian Thought, Edited by ArturMrowczynski-Van Allen, Teresa Obolevitch and Pawel Rojek, PICKWICK Publications-Eugene, Oregon, 2015.
- David J. Hesselgrave& Edward Rommen, Contextualization. Meanings, Methods, and Models, Foreword by George W. Peters, Apollos of Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester, 1989.
- Karl Barth, apud Charles Van Engen The New Convenant: Knowing God in Context, in Dean S. Gilliland (editors), The Word Among Us. Contextualizing Theology for Mission Today, Word Publishing. Dalas. London, Sydney.Singapore, 1989.
- Encyclical of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, V, 12, Crete, 2016, available at
- The Cape Town Commitment, A Confession of Faith and Call to Action op. cit., Part. I, For The Lord We Love, I, 2.
- Eugene A. Nida, Customs and Cultures. Anthropology for Christian Mission, William Carey Library, Pasadena, California, 1981.
- Carl F. Starkloff, S. J, Inculturation and Cultural Systems, in “Theological Studies”, 55(1994), Regis College, Toronto.