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Marusia CÎRSTEA, King Carol II of Romania in a diplomatic tour. Echoes in the international press (1938)

Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of History, Political Sciences and International Relations, Romania;

Published on December 20, 2021

The article entitled
King Carol II of Romania in a diplomatic tour. Echoes in the international press (1938) comes under the very complex subject of international relations at the end of the interwar period. In this context of a serious decline in the international situation King Carol II made several official visits to western states, including Great Britain. This visit took place between 15 and 18 November 1938 and its aims were: a better understanding of the two parties positioning, following the Munich Agreement; Great Britains involvement in South-eastern Europe; Englands possible economic and financial support to the countries of the Danube basin; RomanianBritish commercial exchanges; the naval base in Tașaul, et al. All these events were commented upon both in the national and the international press, emphasis being laid upon the fact that the objective pursued by our country was to safeguard peace and that “Romania has nothing to ask of anyone, but neither has she anything to give to anyone: she is the friend of all those who let her be and is no ones enemy. Romania feels strong enough to pursue only the policy that best corresponds to her interests”.

Romania, Great Britain, King Carol II, King George VI, the international


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