Tuesday , February 18 2025

Marusia CÎRSTEA, Louis Barthou – on a diplomatic mission to secure an “Oriental Agreement” (1934)

Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of History, Political Sciences and International Relations, Romania;
E-mail: cirsteamara@yahoo.com

Published on December 17, 2020

The article is founded on a number of unpublished documents and it highlights the fact that the French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou had a plan of negotiation for an “Oriental Agreement”, based on the principle of collective security. To accomplish this goal, in 1934 Barthou went on a tour of several countries in Eastern Europe (Poland and Czechoslovakia in April, Romania and Yugoslavia in June). Through these – summit – meetings, Barthou hoped to prepare a rapprochement between The Soviet Union, Poland and the Little Agreement, which, together with the Balkan Agreement, was meant “to constitute a new policy of Central and Oriental Europe, guaranteeing peace in Eastern Europe”.

Oriental Agreement, Romania, France, Louis Barthou, Nicolae Titulescu


  1. Istoria Românilor, vol. VIII,România Întregită (1918–1940), Ioan Scurtu (coordinator), Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing, 2003.
  2. Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, Istoria relațiilor internaționale. 1919–1947, vol. I, translated by Anca Airinei, Bucharest, Social and Political Sciences Publishing, 2006.
  3. Marusia Cîrstea, Gheorghe Buzatu, Europaîn balanța forțelor, vol. I (1919–1939), Bucharest, Mica Valahie Publishing, 2007.
  4. Jean-Michel Gaillard, Anthony Rowley, Istoria continentului european. De la 1850 până la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea, translated by Em. Galaicu-Păun, Chișinău, Cartier Publishing, 2001.
  5. Viorica Moisuc, Premisele izolării politice a României. 1919–1940, Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing, 1991.
  6. Georgiana-Margareta Scurtu, Din istoria diplomației europene. Relațiile României cu Franța (1935–1938), Bucharest, Cartea Universitară Publishing, 2006.
  7. Viorica Moisuc, Louis Barthou (1862–1934), in Diplomați iluștri, vol. V, Bucharest,Politică Publishing, 1986.
  8. The Archives of the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Bucharest (hereinafter: AMAE), fond 71/Anglia, vol. 3/1934.
  9. Ion Pătroiu, Valeriu Florin Dobrinescu, România și Anglia în anii ’30, Craiova, Scrisul Românesc Publishing, 1997.
  10. Sorin Cristescu, Relații politico-diplomatice și militare europene, Bucharest, Romania of TomorrowFoundation Publishing, 2007.
  11. Andrei Nicolescu, Lenuța Nicolescu, Ion Pătroiu, Alesandru Duțu, Alexandru Oșca, Atașații militari transmit… (1930–1940), vol. V, Bucharest, 2009.
  12. Nicolae Titulescu, Documente diplomatice, Bucharest, Pedagogic Publishing, 1967, doc. 319.

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