Tuesday , February 18 2025

Mihaela Ioana IAMANDEI, Karstic Geomorphosites with High Touristic Value in Mehedinți Plateau

Mihaela Ioana IAMANDEI
PhD. Student, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Romania;
E-mail: iamandeimihaela17@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2017

In the Mehedinţi Plateau area, there is a great number of karsts complexes, also named geomorphosites, created by the action of water in the massive calcareous rocks. Some of these, such as Izverna and Topolnita karsts complexes, are suitable to speleological tourism, cave diving, tourist and scientific explorations, underground and underwater photography and filming. Tourists come here from all over the world and this is a place where special camps for cave diving the fans are organized.
This study presents especially the types of geomorphosites generated by water, the touristic offer in this area and the analysis of indicators representing the global value of one of the main geomorphosites. This global value increased in particular due to their scientific, cultural and aesthetic values which makes them suitable to ecotourism. The economic value is also an important indicator for the touristic activities in Mehedinți Plateau.

Mehedinţi Plateau, water effects, karst, geomorphosites, speotourism, scientific value, cultural value, aesthetic value, economic value, ecotourism, cave diving.


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