Mihai POPA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” Institute of Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: mihai.popa@institutuldefilosofie.ro
Published on December 20, 2021
For Nae Ionescu, Romanian philosopher, logician and metaphysician, the problem of transcendence (the metaphysical issue) arises when man fails the connection with eternity and relapses into existence – in fact, he is heading for death. In his view, metaphysics is man’s preoccupation with harmonizing with the existence when he has failed salvation. The Romanian thinker states that for man there is only
one way to access the fullness of being, when alive, after having lived all possible experience: giving to the community in which one lives, and through this, restoring the communion with God. From the moment he wanted to know, the man differentiated himself from Creation. Moreover, knowledge has made man alone in the universe, made him believe that he can establish a new order, of his own, different and opposite to that of God. Knowledge is man’s tendency to grasp existence in a logical concept or formula. Transcendence, however, cannot be seized normally through rational methods. It must be lived. Any system of metaphysics, says Nae Ionescu, is a lyrical offering, when man is pushed to the extreme limits of existence. The problem of metaphysics is an anthropological problem.
being, harmonizing with the existence, knowledge, self-humancommunity, to devote onself to something else
- Ultimul curs încheiat de Nae Ionescu (The Last Course Concluded by Nae Ionescu), text which represents the Foreword of Dan Zamfirescu to the quoted edition of Tratat de metafizică.
- Nae Ionescu, Funcţiunea epistemologică a iubirii (The Epistemological Function of Love), in idem, Neliniştea metafizică (The Metaphysical Anxiety), Bucharest, Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, edition and notes by Marin Diaconu, which opens with Logistica – încercare a unei noi fundamentări a metafizicii, (Logistics – An Attempt at a New Foundation of Metaphysics), translated from German by Alexandru Surdu, 1993.
- Mircea Vulcănescu, Pentru o nouă spiritualitate filosofică. Dimensiunea românească a existenţei (For A New Philosophical Spirituality. The Romanian Dimension of the Existence), Foreword by Constantin Noica, editors Marin Diaconu and Zaharia Balinca, Bucharest, Eminescu Publishing House, 1992.
- Herbert Spencer, Primele principii (The First Principles), apud. N. Bagdasar, Virgil Bogdan, C. Narly, Antologie filosofică. Filosofi străini (Anthology of Philosophy. Foreign Philosophers), the second edition, Bucharest, Casa Şcoalelor, 1943.
- Constantin Noica, Schiţă pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putinţă ceva nou (Outline for the History of How Something New is Possible), Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing House, 1995.
- Giordano Bruno, Despre cauză, principiu şi unu (About the Cause, Principle and One), translation and notes by Smaranda Bratu Elian, translation of the poems from Italian by C.D. Zeletin, in Idem, Opere italiene (Italian Works) II, editor Smaranda Bratu Elian according to the critical bilingual edition of Giovanni Aquilecchia, Les Belles Lettres, Paris. Romanian edition, Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing House, 2002.
- Plato, Opere complete (Complete Works), IV, eds. Petru Creţia, Constantin Noica and Cătălin Partenie (the translation of the fragment (B7) from Parmenides belongs to D. M. Pippidi in Filosofia greacă până la Platon (The Greek Philosophy up to Plato), vol. I, part 2, Bucharest, Scientific and Enciclopedic Publishing House, 1979.
- Plato, Timaios (Timaeus), in Opere complete (Complete Works), IV, quoted edition.
- Viorel Cernica, Căutarea de sine şi chemările tradiţiei. Studii şi eseuri (The Search for Self and the Calls of Tradition. Studies and Essays), Mihai Dascal Editor – Casă de Presă şi Editură, 2002.
- Lucian Blaga, Religie și spirit (Religion and Spirit), Sibiu, “Dacia Traianăˮ S. A. Publishing House, 1942.
- D. Allen, Myth and Religion in Mircea Eliade, New York, London, Carland Publishing Inc., 1998.
- Nae Ionescu, Filosofia religiei (The Philosophy of Religion), Bucharest, Eminescu Publishing House, 1998.