Mircea NEGRU
Assoc. Prof., PhD / Senior Archaeologist, Department of Law and Administrative Sciences, Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Romania / Faculty of History – Center for Comparative Studies of Ancient Societies, University of Bucharest, Romania;
E-mail: mircea_negru_arch@yahoo.com
Published on December 17, 2020
The native pottery in Roman and Former Roman provinces is still a less studied subject. Even when the fragments of indigenous pottery vessels are sometimes discovered, they are not so spectacular to be published in time as the other archaeological artefacts from Roman and Late Roman Period.
This article highlights the existence and relevance of a small lot of Dacian pottery fort to understanding of late of 3rdcentury AD and 4thcentury AD in Roman and then former Roman Province of Dacia.
Roman, Romula, Dacian, hand-made pottery, archaeological artefacts
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