Tuesday , February 18 2025

Roman Lamps Discovered at Romula (I)

Mircea NEGRU
Assoc. Prof., PhD. / Senior Archaeologist, Department of Law and Administrative Sciences, Spiru Haret University Bucharest/ Faculty of History, University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova;
E-mail: mircea_negru_arch@yahoo.com

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59277/CSNPISSH.2023.01

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Published on December 3, 2023

This article presents a batch of lamps discovered, in 2022, in the central area of the Roman city of Romula.
Import lamps of the type Loeschcke VIII/Ivanyi VII, Loeschcke X with the marks FORTIS, IANVARI and OCTAVI, respectively Loeschcke VIII/Bailey Type K. They circulated from the second quarter of the 2nd century AD to the middle of the third century, with greater frequency from the second half of the 2nd century to the first third of the 3rd century AD.
Lamps of local production are of the type Loeschcke VIII, similar to Ivanyi VII, Loeschke X with the mark FAOR, IANVARI, respectively modelled to Alicu XXI type wheel.
They have been discovered in archaeological contexts dated from the second half of the 2nd century to the penultimate decade of the 2nd century AD, one lamp of Loeschcke X type with FAOR mark, another with the same mark being dated to the last decade of the 2nd century AD, and the first third of the 3rd century AD. Loeschcke VIII lamps were dated, similar to Ivanyi VII/Bayley O-Q/Ponsich III B/Deneauve VIIA, Loeschcke X with IANVARI stamp, respectively Alicu XXI type lamps.
In conclusion, there are more numerous occurences of imported lamps between the second quarter of the 2nd century AD, and the first third of the 3rd century AD., with a higher frequency in the second half of the 2nd century AD. Lamps of local production begin to circulate in the second half of the 2nd century AD, until the middle of the 2nd century AD, with greater frequency from the last decade of the 2nd century AD, to the middle of the 3rd century AD.

Romula, Roman Period, archaeological excavation, lamps, local production, imported lamps


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