Narcisa Maria MITU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 20, 2021
In this study I present a few commercial units owned by Jews and other foreigners, and those units in which they had legal status as counterpart or associate and how they developed their activity in Craiova, in the first three decades of the XXth century, the chronologic upper line being the world economic crisis (1929–1933). For this purpose I used the information found in archive funds as well as those
published in the Official Monitor in the above mentioned period. My object is to identify less popular merchants, reason for I left out those who stood out in the history as a significant presence in the social-economic dynamic of town: Samitca, Benvenusti, Eschenasy, Mendel, Baruch, Nachmanson, etc.
Craiova, foreign merchants, the first three decades of the XXth century, individual firms, social firms
- Albinel Firescu, Evoluția economică a Craiovei în perioada interbelică în “Litua. Studii și cercetări”, vol. XV, Târgu Jiu, 2013.
- Anuarul statistic al României, Bucharest, 1912.
- Anuarul statistic al României 1922, Bucharest, 1923.
- “Official Monitor”, no. 156/14 (27) October 1901; no. 245/13 February 1923; no. 98/4 August 1923; no. 215/26 December 1923; no.154/18 July 1924; no. 187/28 August 1924; no. 120/4 June 1925; no. 259/24 Nov. 1925; 161/26 July 1924; no. 184/19 August 1926; no. 224/7 October 1926; no. 279/17 December 1927; no. 6/8 January 1929; no. 137/17 June 1931.
- The County Service of National Archives, Dolj, fund, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Craiova, Social Firms, file no. 361/1931, unnumbered, Heinrich Stark married in 1918 withMalca Amelie Mischousniky, the daughter of the merchants H. And Gogea Mischousniky, from Craiova.
- Luchian Deaconu, Dezvoltarea industriei județului Dolj între 1918-1944 în „Historica”, vol. III, Bucharest, Academia Publishing House, 1974.
- Dinică Ciobotea, Marusia Cîrstea, Ion Zarzără, Documente economice privind Circumscripția Camerei de Comerț și Industrie Dolj (1865-1949), Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House, 2015.
- S.J.A.N., Dolj, fund Chamber of Commerce and Industry Craiova, Social Firms, , file no. 62/1931; file no. 97/1931; file no. 334/1931; file no. 906/1931; file no. 966/1931; file nr. 2178/1932; file no. 2047/1932.
- S.J.A.N. Dolj, fund Chamber of Commerce and Industry Craiova, Individual Firms, file no. 1241/1931, ff 1-2 Orenchovig Wilhelm born in 15 October 1873, in Zagăr, Târnava Mică; file no. 126/1931; file no. 385/1931; file no. 787/1946.