Wednesday , February 19 2025

Narcisa Maria MITU, Craiova a foreign investors’ attraction (the end of the XIXth – first half of the XXth century)

Narcisa Maria MITU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on December 29, 2019

The hastened rhythm of Romania’s economic development achieved at the beginning of the XXth century, has made our country appealing for some foreigner citizens both from the nearby countries and the Western and Central Europe: Germany, Austria, France, Swiss, Italy, Czechoslovakia. Many of them have chosen to live in our country because they found here an affordable and easy living but also a broad field of activity. Together with Romanians, foreign citizens who developed businesses in Craiova, have played an important role in the economic development of the town, lots of them owning different affairs. Furthermore the ethnical minorities benefited in Romania from rights and liberties that allowed them to preserve and promote their ethnical and cultural specific

Craiova city, foreign investors, the end of the XIXth – first half of the XXth century, social firms, individual Firms


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  5. “Official Monitor”’ no. 2 from 2(15) April 1914.
  6. Dolj County Service of National Archives, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Fund, Social Firms, file no.4/193.
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  8. Narcisa Maria Mitu, Comerciantii străini din Craiova. Studiu de caz: firme individuale inregistrate la Camera de Comert și Industrie, Dolj, (1931-1939), in “Arhivele Olteniei”, New Series, no. 32/2018, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.

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