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Entrepreneurs from Craiova in the Interwar Period (I)

Narcisa Maria MITU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 19, 2022

In the present material, there was intended the presentation of some of the Romanian entrepreneurs who developed sole partnership businesses in Craiova, in the interwar period, as they were recorded in the archival and in different edited sources. These were owners of shops, department stores, bookstores, workshops, warehouses, factories, printing houses, restaurants, confectioneries, etc.
It is well known that any city, in order to develop, needs commercial activity, all the more so since trade, or bartering activities are generating profit. It ought to be said that the mentioned period was not an easy one for the entrepreneurs from Craiova, being known that Romania’s participation in the First World War led to the ruin or closure of some businesses, and the economic crisis affected to a large extent the majority of traders, entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the frequent changes of the political regimes, Romania’s participation to the military actions of the World War II, had repercussions on the economic activity of Craiova.

Craiova, foreign merchants, the first three decades of the XXth century, individual firms, social firms


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The County Service of National Archives, Dolj, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Craiova Fund, Individual Firms, files no. 38/1931, 72/1931, 94/1931, 97/1931, 105/1931, 108/1931, 111/1931, 121/1931, 131/1931, 139 bis/1931, 145 b/1931, 149/1931, 150/1931, 176/1931, 186/1931, 190/1931, 192/1931, 193/1931, 194/1931, 203/1931, 214/1931, 304/1931, 390/1931, 501/1931, 626/1931, 630/1931, 631/1931, 632/1931, 638/1931, 639/1931, 641/1931, 642/1931, 643/1931, 644/1931, 646/1931, 649/1931, 653/1931, 660/1931, 667/1931, 669/1931, 672/1931, 689/1931, 693/1931, 694/1931, 699/1931, 703/1931, 704/1931, 707/1931, 713/1931, 731/1931, 734/1931, 735/1931, 751/1931, 772/1945, 795/1931, 885/1931, 941/1931, 973/1931, 977/1931, 980/1931, 988/1931, 992/1931, 993/1931, 1027/1931, 1084/1931, 1088/1931, 1120/1931, 1121/1931, 1234/1931, 1239/1931, 1493/1931, 1799/1931, 1800/1931, 1972/1932, 2226/1932, 2227/1932, 2229/1932, 2346/1933, 2459/19333, 2494/1933, 2555/1934, 2695/1934, 2802/1935, 2851/1935.

The County Service of National Archives, Dolj, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Craiova Fund, Social Firms, file no. 768/1945. accessed on July 20, 2022.


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