Narcisa Maria MITU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 17, 2020
The Crown Domains Institution was led by a trustee appointed by the King, among the officials of the Royal Palace, and it had the office in Bucharest from where it was coordinated and overseen the activity of the twelve domains. He was assisted by a team of jurists, accountants and office workers who formed the Central Office. Each Domain was led by a chief of administration, directly subordinate to the central administrator.
The chiefs of administration were forestry or agronomist engineers, depending on the particularities of the Domain where they operated. They were the best in their profession being graduates of some prestigious institutions from Europe: Forest Academy of Schemnitz, Agricultural Academy of Vienna, Forest Academy of Dresden, Munich University but also from our country College of Agriculture from Herastrau, Forestry Department of the Polythechnic School in Bucharest, Forestry School from Branesti. The entire stuff was Romanian. Like the other specialists, they benefited of great salaries, annual rewards, a series of amenities: supplying agro-food products for free or with a low price, granting aid in difficult situations, benefits for renting, food, fire woods, quotas, small transport fees on railway, spacious and salubrious houses which clarify the stability for their duty.
the Crown Domains, the chiefs of administration, Inset Portraits, Stefan Coltescu, Augustin Berian
- Marcisa Maria Mitu, Domeniile Coroanei Regale (1884–1948), Craiova, Aius Publishing House, 2011.
- National Central Historic Archives Service Bucharest, the Royal House fond, The Crown Domain Administration, Central Administration, file no. 111/1941.
- Revista Pădurilor. Organul Societății “Progresul silvic”, tome XI, 1897, Bucureşti.
- S.A.N.I.C. Bucharest, Royal House fond Central Administration, file no. 111/1941.
- Nicolae Șt. Noica, Ștefan Petrescu, Domeniul Coroanei instituție model a lui Carol I după 130 de ani, Bucharest, Vremea Publishing House, 2014.
- National Archieves Service Dolj, Segarcea Crown Domanin fond, file no. 8/1931.
- Narcisa Maria Mitu, Aspecte privind organizarea muncii salariate pe Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea, in “Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane «C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor»”,nr. XIII/2012,Craiova, Aius Publishing House.
- S.J.A.N. Dolj, Segarcea Crown Domain fond, file no. 7/1920, not numbered; Ibidem, filel no. 24/1921.
- Narcisa Maria Mitu, Aspects from the activity of the adjutant general Alexandru Manolescu, administrator of the Crown Domainin “Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor”, nr. XIX, Bucharest, AcademyPublishing House, 2018.
- S.J.A.N. Dolj, Segarcea Crown Domain fonf, file no. 5/1932.
- Anuarul Bucureşcilor pe anul 1904, Ediţia XVI, Bucureşti, 1904, p. 2; S.A.N.I.C. Bucharest, Central Administration fond, file no. 27/1904.
- “Monitorul Oficial”, no. 231/7 October 1947, Part IB, p. 9035.
- Anuarul Bucureşcilor pe anul 1904, pp. 2–3; S.A.N.I.C. Bucharest, Central Administration fond, file no. 27/1904.