Wednesday , February 19 2025

Narcisa Maria MITU, The Role of Gheorghe Popovici in the Administration of Sadova Crown Domain (1898-1942)

Narcisa Maria MITU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

For 44 years, Gheorghe Popovici, manged Sadova Crown Domain, a period in which he was preoccupied with the development of Sadova Domain, from all the points of view: organisational, economic and cultural. During the entire period of time, his main purpose was to stop the phenomenon of desertification, by fixing the sand with locust trees and vineyards, in order to make useful as much farm land as possible. So that to successfully accomplish this desire, he gathered around him a collective of young people, chief farmers and sylviculturists, graduates of the higher, prestigious agriculture schools, from Romania and from abroad. He did not neglect either the relations with the villagers, the main manpower from the Domain. For his activity, he was rewarded by the Kings of Romania with plenty of gratitude and honours.

Gheorghe Popovici, Sadova Crown Domain, 1898-1942, manager, sylviculturist.


  1. Dolj County Department of the National Archives, fund Sadova Crown Domain, file no. 5/1940, file no. 43/1946, fund Sadova Crown Domain, file 17/1918, file no. 33/1944, file no. 1/1882, file no. 1/1935, file no. 7/1920
  2. Narcisa Maria Mitu, Organizarea şi administrarea Domeniilor Coroanei, in “Analele Universităţii din Craiova”, no. 1(19)/2011 Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House.
  3. Gheorghe Popovici, Monografia Domeniului Coroanei Sadova, Bucharest, 1906.
  4. Narcisa Maria Mitu, Forţa de muncă utilizată la lucrările agricole de pe Domeniul Coroanei Sadova (1884-1948) in “Arhivele Olteniei”, New Series, no. 26/2012, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
  5. Narcisa Maria Mitu, Domeniile Coroanei Regale (1884-1948), Craiova, Aius Publishing House, 2011, p. 83.
  6. Narcisa Maria Mitu, Evoluţia social-economică a Domeniului Coroanei Sadova după reforma agrară din 1921, in “Arhivele Olteniei”, New Series, no. 25/2011, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
  7. Catalog – Administraţia Domeniului Coroanei la expoziţia generală română din Bucureşti, Bucharest, pp. 1906.

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