Tuesday , February 18 2025

Oana Andreia SÂMBRIAN, The name of Sigismund in the Spanish Golden Age: from Sigismund Báthory to Sigismund III of Poland

Oana Andreia SÂMBRIAN
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: oana.sambrian@gmail.com

Published on October 31, 2016

Our article focuses on the image that two of the important Sigismunds of our history have had in the Spanish mentality of the Golden Age: Sigimsund Báthory, prince of Transylvania and Sigismund III of Poland. The details provided by the Golden Age literature are analysed with the instruments of comparative and cultural studies in order to depict the fascinating approach to a faraway land and characters.

Transylvania, Poland, Spain, Sigismund Báthory, Sigismund III.


  1. Oana Sâmbrian, El gusto del público español por las comedias de carácter histórico en la España barroca – El prodigioso príncipe transilvano, in “Bulletin of Hispanic Studies”, 89.1/2012, Liverpool;
  2. Oana Sâmbrian, La imagen de Transilvania en El príncipe prodigioso y El rey sin reino de Lope de Vega”, in “Olmedo Clásico”, Olmedo, 2010.
  3. Simon A. Vosters, La rendición de Bredá en la literatura y el arte de España, Londra, Tamesis Books, 1973.
  4. Constantin Marinescu, Du nouveau sur Tirant lo Blanch, in ”Estudis Romànics”, IV, 1953-1954.
  5. Lope de Vega, La Santa Liga, in “Decima Quinta parte de las comedias de Lope de Vega”, Madrid, por la Viuda de Alonso Martín, 1621, f. 97r.
  6. Maria Holban (coord.), Călători străini despre Ţările Române, vol. III, Bucharest, Scientific Publishing House, 1971.
  7. Jesús Fernández Álvarez, Información, control e identidad. El relato sobre el Turco en las relaciones de sucesos granadinas, in “Revista del CEHGR”, nr. 25/2013.

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