Tuesday , February 18 2025

Oana RĂVAŞ, Ramona Maria BĂDESCU, Importance and Effects on the Liberalization of the Right to Work in the European Area

Lecturer, PhD., University of Petroşani, Faculty of Sciences, Romania;
E-mail: oana.ravas@gmail.com.

Ramona Maria BĂDESCU
PhD., Legal Adviser to the Sibiu County Constabulary Inspectorate, Romania;
E-mail: badescuramona30@yahoo.com.

Published on October 31, 2017

One of the fundamental freedoms of European law is the free movement of people and labour. The right to work in the European area involves different areas of social life, starting from the economy and living standards and ending by the formation of the citizen in moral and professional terms. The free movement of labour allows countries whose populations are facing social problems: the lack of jobs, low pay, poor working conditions, to emigrate in search of jobs and better livelihoods than in the home country.

labour force, European area, European citizens, right to work, free movement.


  1. Nicolae Voiculescu, Community labour law, Wolters Kluwer Publishing House, 2009.
  2. Directive 68/360/EEC, 64/221/EEC and Regulation EEC no.1612/68 were abrogated by Directive 2004/38/EC of April 28th, 2004, have historical and informative character.
  3. Regulation no.1612/68/EEC on the access to the employment conditions, published in the OG L 257 of October 19th, 1968.
  4. Regulation no.1251/70/EEC on the right of workers to remain on the territory of a Member state after having been employed in that State, published in the OG L 142 of June 30th 1970.
  5. Directive no.64/221/EEC on the right of member states to derogate from the provisions of free movement on ground of public order, public security of public health, published in OG L 56 of April 04th, 1964.
  6. Directive no.2004/38/EC on the right of free movement and residence on the territory of member states for the EU citizens and their family members, published in JO L 158 of April 30th 2004.
  7. Costel Gîlcă, Community labour law. Transposition in the Romanian labour law, Rosetti Internaţional Publishing House, 2012.
  8. Directive 2004/38/CEE of the European Parliament and Council of April 28th, 2004 on the right to free movement and residence on the territory of the member states for the Union citizens and their family members, published in the OG L 30. 04. 2004.
  9. Regulation no. 562/2006 of the European Parliament and Council of March 15th, 2006 instituting a Community Code on the regime governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code).

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