Wednesday , February 19 2025

Oana RĂVAŞ, Ramona Maria BĂDESCU, Legal Regime of the Motion of Censure, Parliament’s Means of Controlling the Government’s Activity

Lecturer PhD., University of Petroşani, Faculty of Sciences, Romania;

Ramona Maria BĂDESCU
PhD., Legal Adviser to the Sibiu County Constabulary Inspectorate, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

The Government acts in its full power to carry out its duties, parliamentary control being exercised only within the limits of constitutional provisions and only by using the ways and procedures that the Constitution provides to Parliament. The Constitution, recognizing the existence of political responsibility, merely regulates it from a procedural point of view so as to limit as far as possible any possibility of committing abuses by Parliament by adopting a motion of censure and to ensure guarantees of stability for the Government.

ministerial liability, Government, Parliament, motion of censure, Constitution.


  1. Nicolae Popa, General theory of law, Bucharest, Actami Publishing House, 1996.
  2. Antonie Iorgovan, Treaty of administrative law, vol. II, second revision, Bucharest, Nemira Publishing House, 1996.
  3. Mircea Preda, The authorities of public administration. The Romanian constitutional system, Bucharest, Lumina Lex Publishing House, 1999.
  4. Dan Claudiu Danişor, Constitutional law and political institutions, vol. 1, Bucharest, Scientific Publishing House, 1997
  5. Ioan Vida, Executive power and public administration, Official Gazette Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004.
  6. Dan Claudiu Danişor, Constitutional law and political institutions,, vol. 1, Bucharest, C.H. Beck, Publishing House, 2017.
  7. Deleanu Ion, Constitutional Institutions and Procedures – in Romanian and Comparative Law, Bucharest, C.H. Beck Publishing House, 2006.
  8. Iorgovan Antonie, Tratat de drept administrativ, vol. II, second revision, Bucharest, Nemira Publishing House, 1996.

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