Professor, PhD., Expert archaeologist (Craiova)/ Honorary researcher of “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities from Craiova;
Mircea NEGRU
Assoc. Prof., PhD. / Senior Archaeologist, Department of Law and Administrative Sciences, Spiru Haret University Bucharest/ Faculty of History, University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova;
PhD., Dolj County Culture Direction;
Teacher, PhD., Drăgășani Technological High School
Copyright (c) 2024.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Published on December 21, 2024
The article refers to a batch of glass vessel fragments discovered on the territory of the archaeological site of Enoșești, a component locality of the city of Piatra-Olt, in Olt County. The site was discovered by chance in 1872, during the works on the Slatina – Piatra-Olt – Craiova railway sector. The archaeological researches carried out since the nineteenth century, continuing sporadically until 2007, ended with notable results regarding the civil habitation in Enoșești-Acidava, the Roman castrum being, apparently, due to natural erosion, as well as anthropogenic interventions.
The present batch of fragments of glass vessels comes from the collection of Professor Ion Ciucă, who, as a teacher at the High School in Piatra Olt, has collected over time materials discovered by chance by his students and other inhabitants of Enoșești, owing to farming and anthropogenic interventions. They represent a contribution to the study of glass containers in the province of Dacia Inferior (Malvensis).
The catalogue presented in this article includes fragments from glasses, bowls, ointment jars, mugs and cups. Regarding the place of production of glass vessels, we take into account the fact that, in Reșca-Romula, two glass melting and processing workshops were discovered, but we do not exclude that they also come from other production centres.
Enoșești-Acidava, glass, castrum, Roman, settlement
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