Deputy Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Warsaw; honorary researcher, PhD., of “C.S. Nicolăescu–Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities from Craiova; lieutenant colonel (in reserve);
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Published on December 19, 2022
It has been 60 years since an Il–18 airliner of Tarom company was forced to land by emergency near the Cyprus village of Paphos. As the problems of refuelling Il–18 airliners continued in Bucharest after this very serious incident that took place on February 24, 1962, we set out to present some details about it and the decisions which have been taken by the Romanian authorities for preventing a new event. For this
purpose, we had to use the completely unique photographs kept in an archive in Romania, some original documents wrote in Bucharest, in February and March 1963, by the chief of Legation of the United States of America and a report wrote by the Romanian Minister of Transport and Telecommunications.
airplane, Cyprus, IL–18, Romania, the Soviet Union, the United States of America
Crawford, W. A., Minister Plenipotentiary (Romania), to Department of State, Bucharest, Romania, February 13, 1963; File: POL 2-1 Joint Weekas RUM, no page; Box 4027; POL 19 GOV. OF DEPENDENCIES, RHOD & NYAS 7/1/63, POL 2-3 POLITICO-ECONOMIC REPORTS RUM; Central Foreign Policy File, 1963; General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59 (RG 59), National Archives at College Park, College Park MD (NACP), United States of America;
Crawford, W. A., Minister Plenipotentiary (Romania), to Department of State, Bucharest, Romania, February 20, 1963; File: POL 2-1 Joint Weekas RUM, no page; Box 4027; POL 19 GOV. OF DEPENDENCIES, RHOD & NYAS 7/1/63, POL 2-3 POLITICO-ECONOMIC REPORTS RUM; Central Foreign Policy File, 1963; RG 59, NACP;
Crawford, W. A., Minister Plenipotentiary (Romania), to Department of State, Bucharest, Romania, March 15, 1963; File: POL 2-1 Joint Weekas RUM, no page; Box 4027; POL 19 GOV. OF DEPENDENCIES, RHOD & NYAS 7/1/63, POL 2-3 POLITICO-ECONOMIC REPORTS RUM; Central Foreign Policy File, 1963; RG 59, NACP;
National Historical Archives Central, collection of Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Council of Ministers 1956-1966, files no. 25/1962; 7/1963;
Istoria aviaţiei române, Bucharest, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, 1984.
79 passengers escape unhurt. Airliner in Paphos Field. ‘Magnificent landing’ by Rumanian pilot, in “Cyprus Mail”, vol. 58, no. 5772, Sunday, February 25, 1962.