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Queen Marie. One Hundred Years after Her Coronation as Queen of Greater Romania (1922-2022)

Professor, PhD., full member of the AOSR, Romania;

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Published on December 19, 2022

Queen Marie of Romania (b. 1875 d.1938; Queen of Romania between 19141927), granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, cousin of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, in January 1893 married Prince Ferdinand of Romania, future King of Romania (19141927). She was proclaimed Queen of Romania alongside her husband King Ferdinand on October 11, 1914. She participated, alongside the Romanian people, in the Great Reunification War, on the front, in hospitals, etc. She fought for the international recognition of the reunification of Greater Romania. She succeeded. On October 15, 1922, sovereigns Ferdinand and Maria were crowned as Kings of Greater Romania. King Ferdinand himself placed the royal crowns on his and his wife’s heads. In the next years, Queen Maria participated in all the positive reforms in Romania. After King Ferdinand died in 1927, in 1930, his and Queen Maria’s eldest son, Prince Carol II came to the Romanian throne. He totally removed his mother from public life, but he could not remove her from the people’s heart. Queen Marie passed on June 18, 1938 in the Pelișor royal castle. She remained in history as one of the great personalities who contributed to the formation and international recognition of Greater Romania.

reunification, queen of Great Romania, coronation


  1. Argetoianu, C., Pentru cei de mâine. Amintiri din vremea celor de ieri, vol. 3, Humanitas Publishing, Bucharest, 1992.
  2. Assassinat – l’Empereur de Russie, in “Le Figaro”, No. 73, March 14, 1881.
  3. Cartea Încoronării. Album comemorativ al Încoronărei MM.LL Regele Ferdinand şi Regina Maria la Alba Iulia în 2/15 octomvrie 1922, Alba Iulia-Bucureşti, 15–16 octombrie 1922, Carmen Sylva Typography, Bucharest, 1923.
  4. Chambe, R., Route sans horizon – les eaux sanglantes du beau Danube bleu, Plon Publishing, Paris,

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