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Roxana RADU, Work Discipline: Forms, Stimulative and Sanctioning Measures, Disciplinary Procedure

Roxana RADU
Assoc. prof. PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

Disciplineis essential for work. Although discipline does not consist merely of punishment, at the hand of authority, for wrongdoing, this external discipline is nevertheless very important, as an essential part in training the individual to be self-disciplined (by means of punishments, rewards and warnings). Employers need to be able to discipline their employees when they either make a mistake at work or do something more serious, such as assault or harass acolleague. That is the reason for which employers should adopt and make effective use of both disciplinary and stimulative procedures. Having in view the dispositions of the Labor Code and other special laws, this article presents the forms of work discipline, ways of achievement, stimulative and sanctioning measures, disciplinary liability of the employee, the phases of disciplinary procedure with all its elements, including appeal against sanctioning decision and cancellation (radiation) of disciplinary sanctions.

discipline, employee, employer, liability, sanction, misconduct


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