Tuesday , February 18 2025

Șerban PĂTRAȘCU, Zenobie Vasilescu, the last liberal Mayor of Craiova (1945–1947)

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD, “C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Socio-Human Research Institute from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: serban_patrascu@yahoo.com

Published on December 20, 2021

Between 1945 and 1947, the city of Craiova had as mayor Zenobie Vasilescu, a young doctor and liberal politician from Gh. Tătărescu’s party. In the difficult conditions of the time, marked by the end of the war and the Soviet military occupation, the mayor struggled to solve the city’s urban and supply problems. He also intervened in support of local merchants and producers as a representative of a liberal party.

Craiova, mayor, Zenobie Vasilescu, National Liberal Party, Soviet military occupation


  1. “Situația” newspaper, year II, no. 156 of April 20, 1945; year II, no. 527 of August 2, 1946; year II, no. 618 of November 16, 1946; year II, no. 442 of April 15, 1946; year II, nr. 408 of March 4, 1946; year II, no. 545 of August 24, 1946; year II, nr. 542 of August 20, 1946; year II, no. 179 of May 24.
  2. Narcis Dorin Ion, Gheorghe Tătărescu și Partidul Național Liberal (1944-1948), București, Tritonic Publishing, 2003.
  3. “Drum Nou” newspaper, year II, nr. 3 of March 30, 1946; no. 16 of August 14, 1946; year II, no. 3 of March 30, 1946; year II, nr. 23 of October 8, 1946; year II, no. 29 of December 2, 1946; year II, no. 23 of October 8, 1946; year II, nr. 23 of October 8, 1946; year II, no. 16 of August 14, 1946; year II, no. 17 of August 23, 1946; year II, nr. 16 of August 14, 1946; year II, nr. 16 of August 14, 1946; year II, no. 14 of June 15, 1946; Year II, No. 17 of August 23, 1946; year II, no. 624 of November 23, 1946
  4. Prețul păinii. Un elogiu pentru primarul Municipiului Craiova, in “Drum Nou” Newspaper, year II, nr. 5 of April 13, 1946.
  5. Dorin Dobrincu, Listele Morții. Deținuți politici decedați în sistemul carceral din România potrivit documentelor Securității, 1945-1958, Iași, Polirom Publishing, 2008.

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