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Simona LAZĂR, Considerations about the metal objects in Oltenia at the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age

Simona LAZĂR
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on December 29, 2019

The image given by the distribution of the bronze items (including the golden pieces) shows us clearly enough the grouping of the discoveries from two regions of the studied area. The first contain the Banat and the north-east of Serbia (the inferior basin of Morava and the region Majdanpek) with a prolonging along the Danube through the Clisură and downstream, in Oltenia. The second, feebler in discoveries of metal objects, includes the central and the Subcarpathian Oltenia. This image corresponds to that resulting from the classifying of the ceramic groups and, most probable, reflects a historical-cultural reality. Bronze deposits discoveries, either those from the hoards or the individual ones (especially the swords), don’t represent an exception for the studied area. Discussing about the bronze hoards is that related to the signification and the interpretation of the deposing. They reflect the social and the economic interrelations and, not at last, the ideological ones, specific to the communities.

the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, the metal objects, the bronze hoards, casting forms, Oltenia


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