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Simona LAZĂR, Sabin POPOVICI, Aspects on Vădrasta culture. The pottery discovered at “La Turn” station

Simona LAZĂR
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: simonalazar@ymail.com

Museographer, PhD., Museum of Romanaţiului – Caracal, Romania;
E-mail: sabinpopovici@yahoo.com

Published on December 20, 2021

Archaeological research carried out over time in the reference sites belonging to the Vădastra civilization in Oltenia led to the discovery of a significant number of artifacts, mainly ceramics. Among these, the stratigraphic survey carried out by Dumitru Berciu in 1963 in Hotărani, at the point called “La Turn”, was very important. Based on this survey, Dumitru Berciu tried to outline a periodization of the Vădastra culture in four phases of evolution. The pottery discovered at Hotărani, “La Turn” station, were more numerous and diverse typologically that the ones published initially by D. Berciu, in 1966. From the analysis of the unique ceramic materials, discovered in the mentioned point, it seems that a periodization of the Vădastra culture can be outlined in two phases of evolution, but this analysis must be confirmed by stratigraphic verifications.

Stratigraphy, periodization, phases, pottery, artifacts


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