Simona LAZĂR
2nd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Copyright (c) 2023.
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Published on December 3, 2023
In this article, there are to be analysed two types of bronze tools: the sickles and the knives, dating from the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age. In Oltenia they are present both in isolated finds and especially in bronze hoards.
The practical function of the sickles (harvesting grain, hay, etc.) was complemented by the cultic or the votive ones. The symbolism of the sickle is related to repetitive grain harvests, to the cycle of life and death, being the attribute of agricultural deities such as Saturn or Ceres. If they are part of the bronze hoards, the sickles had the same symbolic/votive charge as the other components of the deposit, and all the discussion about the cultic or votive character of the hoards, which we briefly resume in this material, also includes these pieces.
Another category of bronze items that are to be analysed, is that of the knives. It ought to be noted that, in the present material, there are discussed only those that fall into the category of tools. Unlike sickles and axes, their number is smaller, most of which are found in dwellings or tombs.
tools, the practical function, the cultic or votive character, the Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age.
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