Tuesday , February 18 2025

Sorin DINULESCU, Romania’s participation in the economic development policy of the European Union

PhD. candidate, University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania;
E-mail: sorin.dinulescu@yahoo.ro.

Published on December 29, 2019

The issue of the economic development policy of the European Union has constituted and is a constant concern for the politicians of the community space and a research topic for our country, considering that Romania is a net beneficiary state of the structural funds, whose economy, severely affected by the last crisis economic, we believe that it would not have been able to recover without the Community intervention. We note, however, that the problems generated by the financing of economic, social and territorial cohesion are still quite delicate, at Community level, but especially at national level, since the absorption and use of funds depend on the socio-economic development of the states.

economic development, community space, structural and cohesion funds, absorption, Operational Programs.


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  4. D. Surdeanu, Fondurile europene, o şansă pentru comunităţile defavorizate, in “Revista Regio”, 30 / July 2014.
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  6. Institutul European din România, IER. Politica de dezvoltare regională, Seria Micromonografii – Politici Europene, 2017.

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